Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I don’t want to grow up to be like my parents!


The first thought that came to my mind after reading this was the same I’ve had many times, “I don’t want my kids to grow up to be like me, I want them to be themselves.”  After reflecting deeper, this is so true.  Many times, Meghan has said or done something and I wonder to myself, “where does she get that from?” then I stop and realize what I’m saying or doing and it hits me, “SHE SEES ME DO IT!” 

This is a scary concept as a parent, but one that if we have our focus and priorities straight, it can be a great reward.  The greatest reflection of ourselves is not in a mirror, but rather in our children.

Don’t like who your kids are right now? Do a mirror check and see if you like what you see.