Thursday, August 8, 2013

“School Rooms”

We do have designated areas that we use for our classwork.  Here are some pictures of our school rooms.  They are connected, so it makes it easy to transition from one area to the next Smile.



This is our calendar corner. 











Weather calendar…we use this first, then use the number to pick the corresponding paw print for our other calendar.





Meghan’s desk and supply corner.  This is where the bulk of the action takes place.




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Today we worked on letter recognition, number recognition and counting.  We were able to use buttons from our craft center to help with this project.  We also used foam letters and numbers to help with our letter/number recognition game.



We went over what each number was, and then she counted out the buttons to match the number on the bottom of the coffee filter. I also used this as a tool to do specific colored buttons and specific shapes.


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Color association and bees

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 Mommy did the capital B and Meghan used playdough scissors to cut and make the lowercase b on her playdough mat.

We decided to make a clothespin bumblebee today as an art project and she enjoyed picking out the yellow and black pom-poms. She gets excited anytime that she gets to play with the pom-poms.  It is so cute to watch her light up when she sees the bucket.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Bible Curriculum

Anyone out there have a good idea for a preschool curriculum for Bible that would not cost a fortune?  FREE is always good Smile .  I just need some ideas and will probably compile my own idea from any ideas you may have. 



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